Monday, December 14, 2020

Treasure Hunting (Summer learning journey)

LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano girl.

This week we began our first task of the summer learning task. We had to get items from a video and thought about if we had to right items from it. We worked in groups which gave us the opportunity to think about what we were gonna make with the items we had. This was a fun task because since our school are not holiday we got to work other people from other classes.



  1. Kia ora Mason

    My name is Renee and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey Team. Ka pai on your blogpost, you did a fantastic job recording yourself using Screencastify and it is so awesome how you worked together as a team with another learner. How many of the items did you manage to find in your scavenger hunt?

    I am so happy to see that you have signed up to participate in the Summer Learning Journey! Remember, if you check out some of the other bloggers’ Summer Learning Journey posts and leave a positive, thoughtful or helpful comment you will receive extra points! If you do this, remember to submit a link to your published comment using this form. .

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the excellent work - I can’t wait to see your other posts over the summer!

    Renee (SLJ)

  2. Kia ora Renee i'm really happy about the comment. To answer the question me and my friends found tape,string,thick cardboard,thin cardboard,paper,scissors,water bottle and a wieght


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