Tuesday, June 29, 2021


A Trebuchet is a medivel weapon used to knock down castles.

This is an explanation about how trebuchets work.

Thursday, June 24, 2021


Subtractions learnt about Measurement

First we learnt that the big lines are tens and the medium lines are fives and the small lines are the ones

Next we measured objects in LS1  some of the objects were ,Tables, cubes,  then we inserted our measurements 

To finish up we finished the other objects. The other objects were , tote trays, and doors. Lastly we added all the pictures

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about measurement I would have liked to do temperatures I could I learnt more about mm and cm.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Group B learnt how to keep our balance using frizbees.

We learnt how to balance using one foot facing to the side and the other foot facing the front after that we learnt how to catch like a dog we learnt that if you want to catch a frisbee without moving when you catch it you can jump when we are about to catch the frisbee. After that we have used teamwork to win a game.

I think this activity was hard because aiming the frisbee was hard 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Toy Tech

 We made a party popper desighn. 

First we looked at Mr Wongs party popper and learnt about what we needed to change.

Next we voted to do market we were doing we desided that we will do gamers. 

Then we did our parts this included a, plastic cup, toothpick, confetti, folded paper and a rubber band. 

After that we made our current desighn it talked about what the parts do. Then we did our other desighn that talked about what we were going to change I suggested that we should make a pokemon disighn our desighn included pikachu and charizard.

Lastly we did our rational a rational talks about why you wanted make your changes.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


 First we learnt about how to make sentences in maori. We learnt these words, kei hea te aporo witch means were is the apple the anwser kei runga i te peke witch means on the bag.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Our Care Values

 Confidence we have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others we are focused on our features.

Attitude we show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opertunities.

Respect we are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care to our inviroment.

Excellence and Innovation we set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and think about our learning.

These are important to HPE because if we didnt use these we wont have any HPE and fun activities.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


A summary is when something is reapeted and evaluated.