Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 We did balancing. We balanced using sports.

First me and my group practised by using rugby balls we practised by standing on one leg and chucking the ball from our sides. I thought that this activity was hard.

Second we played hockey. We learnt by standing on one leg we practised balancing by testing our tiping points we needed to hit the ball by our sides this was kinda tricky because you needed to stop the ball before hitting it. I thought this activity was easy because it was easy to hit the bal

Third we needed to practise by using a frisby. We learnt by standing sideways we learnt that when you throw a frisby you need to turn your body. I thought that this activity was the hardest

After that we practised using basketballs we practised by chucking the ball from our chest. This was hard because we kept going out of our tiping points. 

Lastly we did netball practising we did the same thing of the basketball but we used a ball thatwas way lighter than the basketball this made it harder to balance because when we start balancing the ball will go to fast for us. we thought this activity was hard.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


We use maners when we are greeting someone or asking for something.

Some maners are thank you, please, may I, excuse me, partin me, and your welcome.

Maners are words you use when you are trying to be respectful.

We mostly use maners when we are asking for something.

Simple Machines

We found six simple machines in our school. The are the six simple machines.

  1. Wheel Axle 
  2. screw 
  3. inclined plane
  4. lever
  5. wedge
  6. pulley

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


We did balancing in our enviroments.

First we balanced on benches.

Second we balanced on the park. One of my team members was balancing by himself

Lastly my team put there hands out and I balanced on them

I thought that this activity was hard because we needed to balnce and make up ways to balance with each other.


I learnt about prepositions. 

I learnt maori prepositions one of them are tena which means there. 

I learnt maori prepositions one of them are tenei which means here. 

I learnt maori prepositions one of them are tera which means over there. 

I think that this was hard.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Simple Machines

 Simple Machines are yoused to make work easier. 

These are six simple machines

  • A wheel and axel is used to move objects using wheels.
  • A inclined plane is used to move objects like a ramp.#
  • A lever is used to lift heavy objects using a fulcrum and a stick.
  • A pulley is used to lift objects up to get to a higher place.
  • A wedge is used to cut something in half to clear your path or to harvest materials.
  • A screw is used to hold something in place or to build something.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Moari Questions

 Today I learnt moari questions. 

First whaea Odi made us anwser names and then she showed us a card and made us name were it was.

For example kua marama, kua mutu, the meanings for kua marama is do you under stand and the meaning for kua mutu is finished.

I think learning maori words is hard.