We practiced writing compound sentences. A compound sentence uses two simple sentences brought together by a fanboy and a coma.
The actor is doing an action.
And a coma and a fanboy join two simple sentences.
I am a Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School, Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
We practiced writing compound sentences. A compound sentence uses two simple sentences brought together by a fanboy and a coma.
The actor is doing an action.
And a coma and a fanboy join two simple sentences.
My group and I made party poppers.
First we created our design for our party poppers. We made our design for our party popper a world war one. We drawn tanks and green army men toys. Second We drawed dune buggy toys to match our theme.
To finish up after that we made our party poppers. We made our party poppers with medium rubber bands, small fuzz balls, nuts and bolts, glitter stickers, and toothpicks. We also used a paper cup.
I enjoyed this activity because it leveled up my creativity. I could tye the nuts and bolts better next time.
A trebuchet is a medivel weapon and can be found in Germany and it was made out of wood. It was almost exackly the same as a catapolt.
Heres an explanation.
We answerd questions in maori. We answered questions like whos your friend and weres your friend I wrote who my friend is I wrote Riley and for weres your friend with the anwser in the hall. We learnt these words hoa, hea,
Next we played a memory game with our friends the rules were you needed to find the matching card with the other matching card and if you found matching card you say the name of the picture in maori the words we needed to say were food.
A Trebuchet is a medivel weapon used to knock down castles.
This is an explanation about how trebuchets work.
Subtractions learnt about Measurement
First we learnt that the big lines are tens and the medium lines are fives and the small lines are the ones
Next we measured objects in LS1 some of the objects were ,Tables, cubes, then we inserted our measurements
To finish up we finished the other objects. The other objects were , tote trays, and doors. Lastly we added all the pictures
I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about measurement I would have liked to do temperatures I could I learnt more about mm and cm.
Group B learnt how to keep our balance using frizbees.
We learnt how to balance using one foot facing to the side and the other foot facing the front after that we learnt how to catch like a dog we learnt that if you want to catch a frisbee without moving when you catch it you can jump when we are about to catch the frisbee. After that we have used teamwork to win a game.
I think this activity was hard because aiming the frisbee was hard
We made a party popper desighn.
First we looked at Mr Wongs party popper and learnt about what we needed to change.
Next we voted to do market we were doing we desided that we will do gamers.
Then we did our parts this included a, plastic cup, toothpick, confetti, folded paper and a rubber band.
After that we made our current desighn it talked about what the parts do. Then we did our other desighn that talked about what we were going to change I suggested that we should make a pokemon disighn our desighn included pikachu and charizard.
Lastly we did our rational a rational talks about why you wanted make your changes.
First we learnt about how to make sentences in maori. We learnt these words, kei hea te aporo witch means were is the apple the anwser kei runga i te peke witch means on the bag.
Confidence we have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others we are focused on our features.
Attitude we show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opertunities.
Respect we are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care to our inviroment.
Excellence and Innovation we set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and think about our learning.
These are important to HPE because if we didnt use these we wont have any HPE and fun activities.
We did balancing. We balanced using sports.
First me and my group practised by using rugby balls we practised by standing on one leg and chucking the ball from our sides. I thought that this activity was hard.
Second we played hockey. We learnt by standing on one leg we practised balancing by testing our tiping points we needed to hit the ball by our sides this was kinda tricky because you needed to stop the ball before hitting it. I thought this activity was easy because it was easy to hit the bal
Third we needed to practise by using a frisby. We learnt by standing sideways we learnt that when you throw a frisby you need to turn your body. I thought that this activity was the hardest
After that we practised using basketballs we practised by chucking the ball from our chest. This was hard because we kept going out of our tiping points.
Lastly we did netball practising we did the same thing of the basketball but we used a ball thatwas way lighter than the basketball this made it harder to balance because when we start balancing the ball will go to fast for us. we thought this activity was hard.
We use maners when we are greeting someone or asking for something.
Some maners are thank you, please, may I, excuse me, partin me, and your welcome.
Maners are words you use when you are trying to be respectful.
We mostly use maners when we are asking for something.
Simple Machines are yoused to make work easier.
These are six simple machines
Today I learnt moari questions.
First whaea Odi made us anwser names and then she showed us a card and made us name were it was.
For example kua marama, kua mutu, the meanings for kua marama is do you under stand and the meaning for kua mutu is finished.
I think learning maori words is hard.
Marc is a inspirational person who couldn't read until a teacher in prison taught him.
Marc went to college but he got mixed up with some bad people and started to borrow other peoples cars and never gave them back. Marc got sent to prison for stealing other peoples cars. In prison he found a teacher who could help him to read so the teacher taught him to read he had to use a ruler to learn how to read from left to right when he left prison he came out with a certificate after that he got a diploma in a business.
Marc Duffy is sharing his story to schools around the world and encouraging people to read.
Multiplication is a fast way to count the same number many times.The two, five, and ten times tables are examples of multiplication.
The two times tables are multipliying two by a number of groups.
The five times tables are multipliying five by a number of group.
The tens times tables are multipliying ten by a number of groups.
The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equations. The next times tables to learn are the three, four, and sixtimes tables.
Teamwork is a term to dscribe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.
Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. Comunication is talking with your teamates your friends. An example is when your friends or teamates are in an hudle and figuring out a plan.
Cooperation is helping and talking to help your team. For example talking to your teamates and no bad language.
Collabration is gathering ideas from your teamates. For example when your teacher made you and another team a team together.
To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to be implemented throughout the activity
Place value is a system that groups numbers of their size.
The position of a digit determines its value. When we say numbers we group them in the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, seven hundred and nine ones.
Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greeting.
First Group A/B were on the field and we learned Aussie Rules skills
After we were shown how to hand pass then we practiced in pairs. Then we were shown how to drop kick and we needed to make an M and needed put the laces away from faces and drop the ball on your foot.
Lastly we played two games of Octopus and we used the skills we learnt to try hit the teacher and the coach.
I enjoyed playing Aussie Rules and learning new skills.
I learned how to write the alphabet,numbers,and symbols properly.
I watched a video to show neat handwriting. I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.
I need to work on my qs ps and js
LS1 learnt about the 3ps in the Treaty of Waitangi and how they apply to our learning .
First Mr Ogilvie introduced the 3ps in the Treaty of Waitangi. They are protection, partnership and participation.
Then in groups we wrote statements about the 3ps in LS1. LS1 figured out the 3ps are all connected. After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected to me.
I chose these 3 statements because they will help me be successful with my learning in LS1.
I will make sure my friends and I will concentrate on the work.
I read the 3 pages of Dog Man Revenge of the Fleas.
Dog Man gets distracted when he tries to catch robbers.
I like Dog Man because he has a dogs head and a human body.
I learnt number bonds and doubles.
First my partner and I used multi link blocks to work on number bonds and doubles.
Next when I was done working on the number bonds, I recorded the results on the spread sheet.
Lastly I used spreadsheet tricks like CTRL C (Copy) CTRL V (Paste)
I enjoyed the doubles but it was hard to come up with the results.